Summer Programs


Summer Workshops 

Bring your day camp, club, or organization for a 1.5 hours workshop during select summer weeks.  All workshops include a hands-on activity.  Individual workshops are offered free of charge. 


Summer Workshop information will be released in April of 2021.  Availability depends upon the status of COVID-19 in our area.


Day Camps- Information To Be Released in March 

Availability depends upon the status of COVID-19 in our area.

The Trout Gallery partners with Carlisle Arts Learning Center (CALC) and the Carlisle Parks and Recreation Department to offer full-day camp experiences.  During selected weeks, campers will spend a half day at The Trout Gallery and a half day at the partnering institution.  Contact the partner institution for details and registration.* 

*Full scholarships available for the CALC camps. Ask for more information when registering. 


For Carlisle Parks and Recreation Camps:

CALC Camps: 

To register for programs: 

Trout Workshops:
  • Email Heather Flaherty, Curator of Education at
  • Call (717) 245-1492