Access Grants
The purpose of The Trout Gallery Access Grant is to enable schools and other non-profit organizations to visit the museum by providing funds to cover or defray transportation costs.
The Trout Gallery has created a limited number of grants to be awarded during the fall and spring semesters. Institutions may apply for both semesters, but are eligible for no more than one grant per academic year. Applications are considered on a rolling basis and will be awarded until funding is exhausted. Funding for the grants is underwritten by the Ruth Trout Endowment and the Helen E. Trout Memorial Fund.
All non-profit educational institutions as well as non-profit community and senior centers are eligible.
Application forms may be obtained from The Trout Gallery by calling 717-245-1344 or downloaded from the museum’s web site at Submit access grant forms by mail or to with the subject line:ACCESS GRANT APPLICATION.
Review Process
Applications will be reviewed by The Trout Gallery and ranked according to need. Priority will be given to those institutions that without such assistance would not be able to participate in the museum’s outreach programs.
Due Dates
For full consideration, applications should be submitted by August 15th for the Fall semester and December 15th for the Spring semester. Applications submitted after these dates will be considered on a rolling basis.
US Mail
The Trout Gallery
Access Grant Application
Dickinson College
PO Box 1773
Carlisle, PA 17013-2896
Heather Flaherty, Curator of Education,
Award Notification
Applicants will be notified of the results of their application within 2 weeks of applying.
Use of Funds
Funds may be used to pay for direct transportation costs only (bus and driver fees). Funds may not be used to pay for chaperones or meals. Please note that the museum’s programs are free.